I2C2 Music

Learning to play music doesn’t have to be hard!

The Musical Circuits Curriculum is an original, groundbreaking system of music exploration that holds great value for the aspiring musician! Studying with Zach will install confidence in students of all ages to discover their unique style while unlocking rapid learning and musical innovation.

I²C² Kids | Musical Circuits Curriculum

COMFORT | Play Along With A Timer

  • Listening
  • Posture
  • Warming up & having fun

CONFIDENCE | Toggle back and forth between various musical or emotional opposites…

  • BIG/small
  • LOUD/quiet
  • SLOW/fast
  • MESSY/steady
  • ANGRY/calm
  • EXCITED/bored

CLARITY | Create distinction between various musical ideas

  • Technique
  • Rudimental Exercises
  • Say and Play
  • Variations and Themes

COOPERATION | Create musical phrases that have a cohesive flow

  • Ensuring that everything sounds musical to the student
  • Find a way to play with other musicians, and for an audience
  • Play along with a recording of something you like
  • The Fluid Cycle

I²C² Adults | Musical Circuits Curriculum

COMFORT | Warming Up

  • The Body and Instrument
  • The body needs to move, repetition (kinesthetic memory)
  • Instruments need to be in tune (quality)

CONFIDENCE |  Expressing emotion in your music

  • Self-Worth and Muscle Control
  • Toggling between musical and emotional opposites
  • Expressing Emotion
  • “Owning” your instrument

CLARITY | Create distinction between various musical ideas

  • Technique
  • Rudimental Exercises
  • Learning Scales
  • Reading and Writing Music
  • Variations and Themes

COOPERATION | Create musical phrases that have a cohesive flow

  • Ensuring that everything sounds musical to the student
  • Find a way to play with other musicians, and for an audience
  • Play along with a recording of something you like
  • The Fluid Cycle – Smooth and Musical

CHARISMA | Entering the flow state

  • Music appreciation
  • Charismatic performance
  • Releasing inhibitions

CREATIVITY | The art of improvisation

  • Developing greater presence
  • Improvisation techniques
  • Magical musical moments

COLLECTIVE | Gaining a greater musical perspective

  • Telling a universal story
  • Musical coincidences
  • Communicating through music

COSMOS | Music and dreaming

  • Practicing before sleep
  • Dreaming about music

    A half hour Musical Circuit lesson


    An hour long Musical Circuit lesson


    Learn all Musical Circuits for adults with eight, hour long sessions
